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The Mysterious Life & Times of Bug

The Mysterious Life & Times of Bug is an exciting, whimsical, adventure-packed tale of space and time travel, with a focus on the importance of good friends.

Follow Bug, a fuzzy creature from an unknown world, as he travels across the universe, leaving chaos and carnage in his wake. Although Bug may be responsible for some historical and mythological disasters such as the (almost) sinking of Atlantis and for ruining an alien planet by throwing a cheese-and-pickle sandwich into a lake, the reader cannot help but smile at his improbable antics. You see, he never  means to cause trouble, it just seems to follow our Bug around! Ever wondered how the pyramids were built? Or why the volcano at Pompeii erupted? Well, inside the pages of the Mysterious Life & Times of Bug, you may find your answer!

Fans of middle-grade chapter books such as the “39 Storey Treehouse” will love this zany story of impossible quests and unlikely heroes. 

The historical tales and folklore that have inspired The Mysterious Life & Times of Bug

Who built the pyramids? Clearly aliens!​​

We know from The Mysterious Life and Times of Bug that Bug’s best friend Derek was responsible for the pyramids; he was the head architect, after all. And we know Derek is an alien. So…

How silly humans are! How could they seriously think that these majestic structures were made by human hands? It’s almost enough to make one need a cheese and pickle sandwich. Sigh.

If you are interested in the ‘historical’ view, I’ve included a link for the more boring/traditional version of how the pyramids were built.

Interested in pyramid conspiracy theories? Check out the links below!

Want something to watch instead of read? From the WHY Flies…

Want the other version?

    How silly humans are! How could they seriously think that these majestic structures were made by human hands? It’s almost enough to make one need a cheese and pickle sandwich. Sigh.

  • If you are interested in the ‘historical’ view, I’ve included a link for the more boring/traditional version of how the font-family: “Nunito Sans”; font-weight: 300;”> /span>

In English folklore, The Lady of the Lake is a fairy-like enchantress responsible for giving the famous sword ‘Excalibur’ to King Arthur, after he had broken the sword from the stone in battle. Also known as Viviane, tales have also been told of her defeating Merlin, being a foster-parent to Lancelot and for carrying Arthur to his final resting place after being injured in battle; Avalon.

Over the years, some authors have made Viviane into a villain, rather than a hero, but Bug and I reckon she’s a true gem and should be celebrated as a famous literary female… there’s not many around!

For more information, follow these links!

The eruption at Pompeii happened in 79 AD, and you can still go and visit today (I know, because my Mum and Dad have been). The tale is actually tragic – not everyone managed to get away from the ash and lava. Lots did… but some didn’t. People who still live close to the volcano call it ‘the sleeping giant’, because they know that it could erupt again at some point. This time, however, there are plenty of clever scientists and boffins who are watching for signs that the volcano is getting grumpy again, to make sure that everyone gets away safely, and there isn’t another tragedy like what happened at Pompeii.

For more information about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and Pompeii, visit: